663 milhões de pessoas, cerca de 9% da população global, não têm acesso às melhores fontes de água potável.
Mais crianças morrem todos os dias por falta de água potável e saneamento do que por malária, HIV/AIDS e sarampo combinados.
Estima-se que cada dólar gasto em água e saneamento produza um retorno económico de 4$.
O acesso à água potável e ao saneamento é um direito humano fundamental e básico, essencial para um ambiente saudável e uma qualidade de vida adequada.
Source: UNDP Human Development Report 2006, Beyond Scarcity: Power, poverty, and the global water crisis. ↩
Source: WaterAid (2016), "Water: At What Cost?" ↩
Source: UNDP Human Development Report 2006, Beyond Scarcity: Power, poverty, and the global water crisis. ↩
Source: WaterAid (2016), "Water: At What Cost?" ↩
Source: WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation, "Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water 2015" ↩
Source: WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation, "Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water 2015" ↩
Source: World Economic Forum, “Global Risks 2015 Report” ↩
(The) Right to Water, Fact Sheet No. 35. United Nations, OHCHR, UN-HABITAT, WHO ↩
Source: UN Water, www.unwater.org/worldwaterday
Source: WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation, "Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water 2015" ↩
Source: WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation, "Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water 2015" ↩
Source: WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation, "Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water 2015" ↩
Source: WHO (2012), “Global costs and benefits of drinking-water supply and sanitation interventions to reach the MDG target and universal coverage.” Geneva, Switzerland: WHO Press, World Health Organization ↩
Source: WHO (2012), “Global costs and benefits of drinking-water supply and sanitation interventions to reach the MDG target and universal coverage.” Geneva, Switzerland: WHO Press, World Health Organization ↩
Source: WHO (2012), “Global costs and benefits of drinking-water supply and sanitation interventions to reach the MDG target and universal coverage.” Geneva, Switzerland: WHO Press, World Health Organization ↩
Source: WHO (2012), “Global costs and benefits of drinking-water supply and sanitation interventions to reach the MDG target and universal coverage.” Geneva, Switzerland: WHO Press, World Health Organization ↩
Source: WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation, "Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water 2015" ↩